Category: Product Showcase
It is always a pleasure to work with our A&D partners to support district learning objectives. These light-filled open spaces foster student choice, creativity, and collaboration while featuring natural materials and inspirational messages.
Category: News
Another successful Agile Learning Education Conference hosted by Lone Star Furnishings and sponsored by VS!
Category: Case Studies
Stacy Ceci and Shana Kriechbaum, Principal and STEM Teacher of Celina ISD O’Dell Elementary, share with us the story of their unique STEM program. O’Dell Elementary is the only elementary school in the state of Texas to give students in all grades, over 500 students, time every week in the STEM Lab!
Category: News
What do you do after you complete your first summer install season at Lone Star Furnishings? You go to Disney World!
Category: News
The Lone Star Furnishings team having a great time at the fall team meeting!
Category: News
Working with great friends who really know you makes for great birthdays! Sales Coordinator Michael Cartwright really hates signing birthday cards, and always used the same well meaning birthday greeting.
His friends and coworkers Kelley Boyter and Rebecca Morgan, Senior Sales Coordinator and Designer respectively, made him his own custom stamp to make birthday cards easier for him! How thoughtful!