Category: Product Showcase
Create spaces that encourage student engagement with style in learning commons, library, and collaboration spaces with MiEN Company’s Kio, Chameleon, Flex, and FFL product lines as featured in these Lone Star Furnishings showroom and customer installation photos. Ask us how to design a complete library/learning commons solution featuring these lines. Need a collaboration workspace within the larger library design? Need to utilize a small open space to serve multiple functions? Need a great looking grouping in a public space? Check, Check, Check! Contact us today to discuss!
Category: Product Showcase
Something for everyone: Quiet solitude for individual students, scalable options to encourage communication and collaboration between students or to direct attention towards a teacher/facilitator, and unconventional options designed to engage the non-linear thinker. Shown here are a few examples of FomCore products available in the Lone Star Furnishings showroom. Each is multi-functional and suitable for use in classrooms, learning commons, collaboration spaces or libraries and public spaces. To schedule a discussion or see more, contact us today!
Category: Case Studies
See how teachers who were out on maternity leave when Frisco ISD’s newly renovated Rogers Elementary School opened learned upon returning mid-semester how to use the new agile learning spaces filled with flexible furnishings from their students.
Category: News Product Showcase
Lone Star is pleased to introduce our newest furniture partner, SAFFE Furniture. SAFFE stands for Simple, Affordable, Fast, Furniture & Equipment. SAFFE offers a variety of key products for our core market with a myriad of customizable options. For more information, please contact your Lone Star Furnishings sales person.
Architect: WRA Architects
Photos by Parrish Ruiz de Velasco
Category: News
Lone Star Furnishings now offers virtual showroom tours. A wide selection of products is on display in our Carrollton and Houston showrooms, but Texas is a big state! Can’t make the drive? Contact us today to schedule a virtual tour.
Category: Product Showcase
Introducing Smith System Groove Seating, with a streamlined aesthetic, and high-tech injection molding that not only keeps the seatback strong and flexible, but also eliminates the exposed structural “ribs” on the back of the chair’s shell. It’s sleek and calm, yet familiar. This crossover chair quietly blends in anywhere: classrooms, cafeterias, flex studios, maker spaces and more.