
(972) 862-9900

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Frisco CTE

The Frisco ISD Career and Technical Education (CTE) Center is an award winning 170,000 sq ft state-of-the-art facility with real-world learning spaces and equipment for students in grades nine through twelve. The award-winning school draws visitors from throughout the state and nation, with international guests requesting tours as well.

“…There were virtually no two rooms alike and equipping each instructional space was a challenge. Lone Star provided product recommendations, numerous layouts and furniture samples along with finishes to help guide us through the product selection process.”

Wes Cunningham, Ed.D.
Director, Career and Technical Education for Frisco ISD

4301 Reeder Dr, Carrollton, TX 75010 | P: (972) 862-9900 | F: (972) 862-9990

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